Summer Running
It’s hot. Training in the heat is hard, but there are definitely benefits if you can stick with it. Training in the heat causes increased rate of perspiration and helps keep your body temperature cooled and regulated. It can increase your blood plasma levels, which leads to better cardiovascular fitness, reduces overall core temperature, reduces blood lactate and increases skeletal muscular force, which helps athletes perform that much better in cooler temps.
I will have to say, this summer is the first summer I have actually enjoyed summer runs. I was able to set some goals this summer, which helped me focus on getting out and running, even if it was way below my average pace. After 3-4 weeks, I have gotten to a place where my body (and mind) can tolerate the heat. It’s been shocking and inspiring.
If you are having a hard time getting out there this summer, some tips that have worked for me:
Try to get out early. I am sure you a have heard this, and if you are like me, I’m NOT a morning person. At all. So this is hard for me. To help make this happen I will choose one day of the week and focus on that one day for my early run. Then it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Lately, I have been getting out on Saturday mornings. Joining a running group can also help. There are many of them out on Saturday mornings. If you can’t do the weekends, choose one day of the week. Once you do this a few times you will crave the beautiful, cool mornings and look forward to it.
Focus on your effort, not your pace. I use a TomTom watch for tracking my runs. This has a BPM (beats per minute) monitor, so I use this as a guide to know if I am keeping up with my efforts. You can calculate you max heart rate to help give you a guide. I know in the winter during most my hard effort runs my BPM is about 175-180 and my easier runs are more 165-170. I will look at my watch during my summer runs to see if I am still at the same BPM. My pace is probably slower, but my effort is still good, so then I know come fall and winter, I will be right where I need to be.
Find ways to keep your heart rate down and not do too much. Just being out in the heat will help with your fitness, so take it easy when you need to. Walk the hills, do more run/walk methods. Find ways that feel good to you to get in a run how it works for you. I found a route that ends in a long downhill slope. This is perfect on really hot nights. I make sure I end with that hill. It gives me something to look forward to at the end and I know I can finish strong.