Feeding your Soul
Staying home more often is tough for me. At times it feels nice to have NOTHING to do. But I love getting out to a good restaurant, sporting event or trying something new. I created a list of some of the things I have done the last few months. I was able to try things I usually don’t have time for, or have tried for the first time. They have been soul-filling and I hope to keep these new habits going. Hopefully, you have some too or you can start a list of your own!
Trying a new and SIMPLE recipe
I try to eat plant-based, whole foods whenever I can. Sometimes, that’s easier said than done, but I have been doing this for a year and I can feel and see huge improvements in my overall health and fitness. This month I saw a delicious recipe for a Mexican stuffed sweet potatoes. Loved it.Online yoga and virtual Urban Zen, group yoga in the park
Running on Saturday mornings before anyone in my home is up
Going to the park with the kids in the middle of the day
Lighting candles as I work from home
Created monthly running challenges
Made home-cooked pizzas for lunch
Share some of yours!